
Vagrant Part 5 - Installing Your Software

Welcome to the Vagrant lesson on how to use Boxstarter to configure Windows and install software as part of the Vagrant provisioning process. Overview We have all of the needed software in place to start configuring and installing software onto our virtual machine. In this lesson, we will create an file with all of the install and configuration commands that will be executed with Boxstarter. Can I only install Chocolatey Packages?

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Vagrant Part 4 - Install Boxstarter

Welcome to the Vagrant lesson on installing Boxstarter as part of the Vagrant provisioning process. What does Boxstarter give you? Boxstarter gives you the ability to bulk install Chocolatey packages plus several helper functions for Windows configuration options. When you bulk install using Boxstarter, it will detect any reboots that are triggered by MSI installers, reboot the machine and then run the Boxstarter script again. The Windows configuration helper functions that Boxstarter provides to enable or disable Windows features include items such as:

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Vagrant Part 3 - Provisioning With Chocolatey

Welcome to the Vagrant lesson on installing Chocolatey as part of the Vagrant provisioning process. Overview The first thing we are going to do as part our provisioning is to install Chocolatey onto the virtual machine. As we saw in the [Easy Virtual Machine Management]({{"/vagrant-overview" | prepend: site.baseurl | prepend: site.url }}) post, having Chocolatey on a machine allows you to easily install all of our software in an automated and repeatable fashion.

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Vagrant Part 2 - Provisioning Introduction

Welcome to the Vagrant lesson on what Vagrant provisioning is. What is Vagrant Provisioning? Provisioners allow you to automatically install software and alter configurations during the Vagrant up process. This is useful since boxes typically aren’t built perfectly for your use case. Granted you could just login to the box and install all of the software by hand. However, by using the provisioning it automates the process, make it repeatable, and requires no human interaction.

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Vagrant Part 1 - Easy Virtual Machine Management

Welcome to an overview of Vagrant and creating of your first Vagrant machine. What is Vagrant? Vagrant allows you to create and manage lightweight reproducible virtual machines. Essentially, all of the configurations to create and configure a virtual machine are kept separate from the virtual machine. This allows you to delete the virtual machine and then re-create it with all of the same configurations at any point. No longer do you have to be afraid to delete a virtual machine for a project that isn’t active.

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Ionic - The Ionicbox and How To Use It

If you have looked at setting up the Ionic Framework or have it done it before, you know on much of a pain it can be, especially when something doesn’t work. Luckily, Ionic offers a free virtual machine called Ionicbox that is already configured with all of the software that you need. Prerequisites: Before you can use Ionicbox you need to install VirtualBox and Vagrant. If you are on Windows and using Chocolatey, you can install both using cinst virtualbox and cinst vagrant.

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