
ASP.NET Web Api - Setup Generic Response Handler

Welcome to the continuing series on getting started with ASP.NET Web Api. In the previous post, we created our ASP.NET Web Api project, created our 1st controller, enabled Windows authentication and configured JSON to be camel cased for our returned C# class. In this article we will learn how to setup a generic response handler for all of Api calls. This will allow us to consolidate the logic needed to create a proper response as well as it will allow us to consolidate the exception handling logic.

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ASP.NET Web Api - Setup JSON Camel Cased Fields

Welcome to the continuing series on getting started with ASP.NET Web Api. In the last post, we created our ASP.NET Web Api project, created our 1st controller and enabled Windows authentication. In this article we will learn how to set the JSON response to convert the .NET pascal cased properties into camel cased properties. The naming convention between .NET and JSON is different but we should present our Api users the naming convention that they expect without having to write all kinds of conversion code.

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ASP.NET Web Api - Getting Started

Welcome to the series on getting started with ASP.NET Web Api. In this article we will create a basic C# Web Api with Windows Integrated Authentication and create our first Web Api endpoint. ASP.NET Web API is a framework that makes it easy to build HTTP services that reach a broad range of clients, including browsers and mobile devices. ASP.NET Web API is a great platform for building RESTful applications using the .

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