I am finally making myself learn the git command line instead of just using a UI so that I can actually understand what git is really doing. Plus I have started playing a lot with the IonicBox and running a Ubuntu vagrant controlled VM for this blog and both of those are just linux shell command prompt only machines.

Below are my notes on various commands so that I can stop having to Google each time I forgot one of them.

Caching Credentials

To cache credentials for 1 hour. The timeout is in seconds.

git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout 3600'

Basic Commands

Getting code to local machine

In Git terms, this is called cloning a repository and the command to use is git clone.

Directory name will match repository name

git clone [Remote Repository Url]  

Use this command if you want to name the directory different than the repository name

git clone [Remote Repository Url]  [Directory to Clone into]

Where did the local repository come from?

git remote -v

Change the Remote Origin Url

git remote set-url origin [https or ssh url]

Get Latest Changes but don’t merge

git fetch

Get Latest Changes and Merge

git pull

Generate SSH Keys

Adding Key

ls -al ~/.ssh
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your_email@example.com"
ssh-agent -s or eval(ssh-agent) or eval $(ssh-agent)
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
clip < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
Go to github settings for your account
Click on SSH Keys
Click Add Key
Give it a name and paste in the key
Put in your github password
Click confirm

To test

ssh -T git@github.com

Should get a response like: Hi username! You’ve successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.

Full details at https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-keys/

See what files have changed

Long Form: git status

Short Form: git status -s

Show Files: git status -u or to always show git config status.showuntrackedfile=yes

Turning a directory into a repository on the local machine

git init

Adding files to the repository

git add [file name]

Adding all files in a directory except the ones in the .gitignore file

git add .

Reverting a file that has changes not been added or staged

git checkout [file name]

Unadding a file that has been added and not committed but leave file

git reset

Unadding a file that has been added and not committed but delete file

git reset --hard

Ignoring files

Committing files to the local repository

git commit -m "Your Message"

Removing Files

git rm [File Name]

Moving Files

git mv [Old File Name] [New File Name]

Publishing files to the remote repository

git push


Storing work that you want to keep but not commit

Storing the work

git stash

Seeing what work is stored

git stash list

Applying the last stash to the current code

git stash apply

Applying a different stash then the last one to the current code

git stash apply stash@{[Number for stash from git stash list command]}


See Available Branch Including Remote Branches

git branch -v

Creating a Branch

git branch [Branch Name]

Switch to a branch

git checkout [Branch Name]

Switch to last branch you were on

git checkout -

Merging a branch into the master (HEAD)

First make sure you are on the master branch: git checkout master

Then issue the merge command: git merge [branch name]

List the branches for the repository

git branch
  • Note: the * in the results indicates the branch currently checked out.

See last commit of each branch

git branch -v 

See branches already merged

git branch --merged

See branches NOT already merged

git branch --no-merged

Push branch to remote repository

git push origin [branch name]

Delete a Local branch

git branch -d [branch name]

Deleting Remote Branch

git push origin --delete [branch name]

Proxy Settings

See Post on Proxy Configurations for configuring your proxy settings with Git


Listing of Configurations:

git config -l
git config -l --global
git config -l --system
git config -l --local

Set Configuration

git config --add [variable name] [value]

Unset Configuration

git config --unset [variable name]