Gulp 4 is not released yet but if you have a need to install it here is how to do it. I will cover how to globally install it as well as how to update your package.json for your projects.

Globally Installing Gulp

The first thing we need to do is install the Gulp command line to be able to run the gulp task.

  1. Open a Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Mac or Linux)

  2. Check if you have Gulp CLI < 1.2.1 installed

     $ gulp -v
  3. If a Gulp version is < 1.2.1, you will need to upgrade by running the following commands

     $ npm install -g gulp-cli
  4. Verify Gulp CLI 1.2.1 installed correctly

     $ gulp -v

Updating Your Projects package.son

Now we need to tell our project to use Gulp 4.0 when it runs the gulp task.

If you using a previous version of Gulp in your package.json file, you can upgrade it if you would like or continue to use Gulp 3.x. I have not had any issue with leaving my local repository at 3.9 while having Gulp 4 installed globally.

  1. Open a Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Mac or Linux)

  2. Navigate to the directory that contains your package.json

  3. Uninstall gulp. Note: If your package.json has gulp listed as a dev dependency use –save-dev. If gulp is listed as a dependency use –save.

     $ npm uninstall gulp --save-dev
     $ npm install git+ --save-dev
     $ npm uninstall gulp --save
     $ npm install git+  --save


You can keep up to date on Gulp 4 at and