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Preparing A Conference Talk

I have done a bunch of conference talks and brown bag sessions this year (~45 in the past 2 years) and here is how I prepare for those talks. Sorry that the reply is a little long but I wanted to make sure you had a process to get started with. Remember that this is my process and you have to find what works best for you. There is no set time for how long each phase takes.

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AngularJS - Calling Service Methods from Console

Note: This post applies to AngularJS. The 1.x version of Angular. AngularJS has been end of life at of 12/31/2021. Here is a quick tip for how you can run your Angular service and factory methods within the Chrome Dev Tools console. No longer will you have to go through the process of navigating through the UI to trigger a Service/Factory method to run. Now you can just load up the web site and do all of your debugging through the Chrome console.

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2015 Year In Review

2015 was a great year with lots of new adventures. I did a bunch of travelling, started a new position at work, competed in my first hackathon (and win), and started a couple of meetups. At the beginning of 2015 I set a few goals for myself: Speak at more events Start blogging again Be more active in my local dev community Speaking I spoke at a good amount of events this year considering this was my first year putting myself out there.

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Ionic - Using Local Notifications

When you are creating a mobile applications there are times where you need to notify users about something such as an upcoming appointment. If the application is running and the user is using it in the foreground, this is easy to accomplish. However, if the application is running in the background this can be a challenging task. You could do push notifications but that takes a decent amount of work to setup with both iOS and Android app stores.

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Running Gulp Task in Visual Studio

When I am working in an code editor such as Visual Studio, I do not want to have to have to leave the editor to run command line programs such as Gulp task. I want to be able to run the gulp task right from instead the editor. Starting with Visual Studio 2013, you could do this with the Task Runner Explorer extension. Microsoft then integrated the Task Runner Explorer into Visual Studio 2015 so you no longer have to install an extension.

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Strongloop - Fixing Security When Extending User Model

After following Raymond Camden’s Strongloop Introduction, I was ready to update the todo demo application that I have been using for the Ionic Arizona Meetup. So I created a models for projects and app users. The app users model base class was User. Then within the project model I associated a project to an app users with a belongsTo and in the app users model I associated multiple projects to a single user with a hasMany.

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Installing Gulp 4.x

Gulp 4 is not released yet but if you have a need to install it here is how to do it. I will cover how to globally install it as well as how to update your package.json for your projects. Globally Installing Gulp The first thing we need to do is install the Gulp command line to be able to run the gulp task. Open a Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Mac or Linux)

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Sync your Git Fork to the Original Repo

Syncing your forked repository to the original repository is an important step before submitting any pull request to the original repository for the changes in your forked repository. Even if you are not going to submit a pull request to the original repository, there are times that you want the additional features and/or bug fixes that have been done since you forked the original repository. You could do a pull request but this adds an additional commit into your forked repository instead of making your forked repository match the original repository.

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Do Not Swallow The Exceptions

Throwing away exceptions in your code is just a bad practice and makes it harder to support your application. It may make it easier for you as a developer to get something working but in the long run it cost way more money to do the maintenance and troubleshooting then if you had just put in proper exception handling to start with. I have worked on several codebases recently where methods returned false if either a business rule failed or an unexpected exception occurred with no logging of the error anywhere.

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Vagrant - Fixing Opentable Basebox looking for Windows Plugin

Overview As part of my demo during my Vagrant talk, I use the opentable/win-8.1-enterprise-amd64-nocm vagrant base box with the virtualbox provider. This vagrant base box unfortunately has an issue with the vagrantfile that is included with it looking for the old/unneeded vagrant windows plugin to be installed and trying to port forward the WinRM and RDP ports without detecting if the port is already in use. Luckily, it is really easy to fix the included vagrantfile so that you can create vagrant machines but you have to do some prework before running a vagrant up using this base box.

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