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Visual Studio Code Snippets

There are a bunch of built-in Visual Studio code snippets that will generate code for you with a short keyword and then a tab key press. These shortcuts will make you more efficient when writing code such as creating properties, loops, exceptions, etc. Below I have listed the code snippets that I most frequently use and what the output from them looks like. To use these snippets type they keyword and then press the tab key.

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Favorite Visual Studio Shortcuts

Here is a list of Visual Studio Community Edition shortcuts that I use. Building Solution Name Shortcut Build Solution Ctrl+Shift+B Run Code Analysis on Solution Alt+F11 Building Current Project There is no default shortcut for building the current project or running code analysis on it. You can go under the Build menu and select to build just the current project but this is a manual step that requires you to navigate through the menus.

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Favorite Visual Studio Extensions

In the Visual Studio Extension Gallery there are hundreds of extensions that are available. The extensions add additional functionality to Visual Studio. Below are the extensions that I typically have installed. Web Essentials Big pile of awesome for web developers. If you are doing web development you need to have this installed. Features: Enhanced browser link Markdown Editor/Preview Minification of javascript files JSHint / CSSHint integration TypeScript preview of compiled ts file Plus much much more GhostDoc Auto generate Xml doc comments based on your method/parameter names, exceptions through and return types.

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Favorite Windows Shortcuts

So many times I watch Windows users spending lots of time doing task that should just take a few seconds but instead are taking several minutes because they are taking the long way around to get the task completed. Here are some examples that I see people doing and below I will show you how to get them done the easiest way possible. Getting 2 programs side by side half screened Navigating in Windows Explorer to find the Visual Studio solution or project directory Open programs as an administrator Just opening up task manager.

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Favorite Windows Programs

Developer productivity is not just about maximizing your speed in editor. It also includes additional software to help you be more productive. Below is some of my favorite Windows software that I use. Password Management LastPass - Password Manager. Remembers passwords so you don’t have to. Auto log you into web sites, store secure notes, wifi passwords, etc. Web interface and desktop is free. Mobile device application is premium version at $12 per year.

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Presentation Environment Setup

One of the first things that you learn when giving presentations is that fonts and font size matters just as much as the content. Below is a listing of the various font settings that I have found to be effective and how to set them in the programs that I use. If you have other programs that you use, feel free to leave a comment on the font settings that you use.

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Vagrant Part 6 - Behind A Proxy Server

Overview If you are working behind a proxy server you will need to configure both the host computer and the Vagrant virtual machines to communicate through the proxy server. It is easy to configure the proxy settings but finding the documentation is a different story. Below we will go through how to configure the proxy for the vagrant commands (up, status, box add, etc) and then how to configure the virtual machine proxy settings.

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Vagrant Part 5 - Installing Your Software

Welcome to the Vagrant lesson on how to use Boxstarter to configure Windows and install software as part of the Vagrant provisioning process. Overview We have all of the needed software in place to start configuring and installing software onto our virtual machine. In this lesson, we will create an file with all of the install and configuration commands that will be executed with Boxstarter. Can I only install Chocolatey Packages?

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Vagrant Part 4 - Install Boxstarter

Welcome to the Vagrant lesson on installing Boxstarter as part of the Vagrant provisioning process. What does Boxstarter give you? Boxstarter gives you the ability to bulk install Chocolatey packages plus several helper functions for Windows configuration options. When you bulk install using Boxstarter, it will detect any reboots that are triggered by MSI installers, reboot the machine and then run the Boxstarter script again. The Windows configuration helper functions that Boxstarter provides to enable or disable Windows features include items such as:

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Vagrant Part 3 - Provisioning With Chocolatey

Welcome to the Vagrant lesson on installing Chocolatey as part of the Vagrant provisioning process. Overview The first thing we are going to do as part our provisioning is to install Chocolatey onto the virtual machine. As we saw in the [Easy Virtual Machine Management]({{"/vagrant-overview" | prepend: site.baseurl | prepend: site.url }}) post, having Chocolatey on a machine allows you to easily install all of our software in an automated and repeatable fashion.

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