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Cypress - How to run the same test again and again to confirm it is flake-free

So far with the Cypress grep plugin we have looked at how to run tests with certain tags, how to run tests that have no tags, and how to increase the performance of the plugin when running filtered tests.

In this post, we are going to look at how to run tests multiple times to ensure that they are flake free. I have several times run into issues where we think a tests is working great only to find out if you run it a 2nd time that it fails or causes other tests to fail since Cypress without the Cypress grep plugin will only run each passing tests once.

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Cypress Grep - Faster Test Execution

By default, for the Cypress grep plugin when using the grep and grepTags all of the specs are executed and then each the filters are applied. This can be very wasteful, if only a few specs contain the grep in the test titles. Thus when doing the positive grep, you can pre-filter specs using the grepFilterSpecs=true parameter.

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Cypress Run Tests That Do Not Have Any Tags

In the previous post on the Cypress Grep Plugin we installed and went through the basics of how to run just tests that have certain tags but what if you want to run all tests that do not have any tags?

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Cypress Run Tests That Have Certain Tags

One of the features that I wish Cypress had is a way to group feature tests together so that I can run all tests for the feature I am currently coding or testing without having to put them all into the same spec file. Now you can with the Cypress grep plugin.

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Angular - Running SSL Locally

These days all of our websites are running using https and we should be doing our local development work also using SSL. When you create your Angular project, it uses http by default but has the ability to easily run uder SSL as long as your have a certificate for Angular to use.

Luckily, it is really really easy to generate our own self-signed certificate to use for local development. A self-signed certificate just means that you personally signed the certificate to say it is valid and not one of the trusted authorities on the Internet which is why self-signed certificates only work for your local development.

In this article we will create your own self-signed certificate, tell Windows to trust our certificate and tell Angular to use our certificate for our local development work.

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Git - Remove Local Branches That Are Merged or No Longer Exist

After a while your list of local git branches can get a bit out of control especially if you doing all of your development on a branch, creating a pull request, merging it to main and then deleting the remote git branch when it is merged into main. Once the branch is deleted on the remote repository there is no need to keep it locally anymore.

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VSCode: Bracket Pair Colorization Now Native

One of the extensions for VSCode that I have used for the past couple of years is Bracket Pair Colorizer 2 to color each of the bracket pairs a different color so that you can visually see the start/end bracket.

With the VSCode August 2021 (ver 1.60.0) update, this feature is now built into VSCode. You just need to turn it on.

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Solved: Windows 10 Errors When Trying to Watch Video with HEVC Extension Not Found

WTF! Why Can’t I Play My Video So you tried to watch an mp4 video in Windows 10 and it threw an error at you that “To play this video, you need a new codec, HEVC Video Extensions and they want you to pay $0.99 for it. If you are like me, you are wondering what the heck is the HEVC Video Extensions and why all of a sudden do I need it to watch an mp4.

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You Need Code Coverage

Welcome to the start of my series on code coverage. In this article we are going to talk about why you need code coverage reports and then in future articles implement the reports in our Angular based UI and ASP.NET Core based API. For years, I pushed back against implementing code coverage on my projects and I am here to say that I was wrong. In the past everytime someone tried to implement code coverage on my projects or suggested it, all they cared about was the percent of code coverage.

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Stop The Zoom Trolls and Prevent Zoombombing

Are you thinking about running a public meeting using Zoom or are running a public meeting using Zoom? Then you need to prepare for the Zoom Trolls to show up who want nothing more then to force you to end your meeting early. Our goal today is to limit the amount of damage that a troll can do to your meeting to almost nothing while still allow your community to network and grow.

If you think that a Zoom Troll won’t find your meeting, think again. There are already programs available to generate Zoom meeting numbers and auto join those meeting. So it is just a matter of time before they find your meeting. These Zoom Trolls have become such an issue that even the FBI is warning people about. When a Zoom Troll joins your meeting they cause disruptions by sharing porn that is on their screen, draw on the screen using the annotation feature, unmute themselves to talk over the presenter using inappropriate/offensive language and bring inappropriate on camera.

We can easily minimize the ability of a Zoom Troll to cause any damage to your meeting using the Zoom settings below.

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