
ASP.NET Core Environment Variables With Semicolon in Jenkins

In my ASP.NET Core project, I am using an environment variable in the form of MyProject:MyVariableName and needed to create a Jenkins pipeline but I could not get it to recognize that format. It kept making the environment variable name just MyVariableName. Below is the code from the Jenkinsfile that I tried that was causing the issue. stage('Run All Test') { environment { MyProject:MyVariableName = "Some Value" } } Turns out that Jenkins does not recognize the : in environment variable names.

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Use C# to Convert PNG to Base64

For something I was working on I created a quick script to convert all PNG files in a directory to a base64 representation of the image. Since I was going to need to do this multiple times as we iterated over the image designs to get one that we were happy with, I decided to write a quick script using C# and use Linqpad to run the script. For the script output, I needed to output the following TypeScript object for the project that I needed the base64 values for.

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Better Way to Manage Database Views in EF Core Migrations

When using database views that are not directly managed by Entity Framework Core (EF Core), it is a good practice to still version control and I like to do this by including the scripts to add/drop the views in an EF Core migration script. It is easy enough to use the migration builder sql method to call the sql needed to add and drop your view but as the project grows this becomes way harder to manage. One of my projects has 638 migration scripts (it has been going on for like 5 years now), so you can imagine how difficult it can be to find the previous version of the view when you need to drop a migration script and revert back to the previous version of the view.

Recently, we started managing our view in a different way that has made it easier to find the different versions of the view and simplified our migration scripts. In this post, we are going to look at the implementation we did to manage our views.

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Xunit Create Generic Exception Tests

Using XUnit, I was creating a bunch of exception test methods that did the same exact test with the only difference being the type of exception being thrown and I thought there has to be a way to use an XUnit theory to only write a single test method and validate the various exception scenarios.

Luckily, it was really easy to accomplish the goal of having a single test method that validated multiple types of exceptions using an XUnit theory but it took a bit to figure how to accomplish this goal.

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ASP.NET Web Api - Setup Generic Response Handler

Welcome to the continuing series on getting started with ASP.NET Web Api. In the previous post, we created our ASP.NET Web Api project, created our 1st controller, enabled Windows authentication and configured JSON to be camel cased for our returned C# class. In this article we will learn how to setup a generic response handler for all of Api calls. This will allow us to consolidate the logic needed to create a proper response as well as it will allow us to consolidate the exception handling logic.

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ASP.NET Web Api - Setup JSON Camel Cased Fields

Welcome to the continuing series on getting started with ASP.NET Web Api. In the last post, we created our ASP.NET Web Api project, created our 1st controller and enabled Windows authentication. In this article we will learn how to set the JSON response to convert the .NET pascal cased properties into camel cased properties. The naming convention between .NET and JSON is different but we should present our Api users the naming convention that they expect without having to write all kinds of conversion code.

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ASP.NET Web Api - Getting Started

Welcome to the series on getting started with ASP.NET Web Api. In this article we will create a basic C# Web Api with Windows Integrated Authentication and create our first Web Api endpoint. ASP.NET Web API is a framework that makes it easy to build HTTP services that reach a broad range of clients, including browsers and mobile devices. ASP.NET Web API is a great platform for building RESTful applications using the .

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Do Not Swallow The Exceptions

Throwing away exceptions in your code is just a bad practice and makes it harder to support your application. It may make it easier for you as a developer to get something working but in the long run it cost way more money to do the maintenance and troubleshooting then if you had just put in proper exception handling to start with. I have worked on several codebases recently where methods returned false if either a business rule failed or an unexpected exception occurred with no logging of the error anywhere.

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Visual Studio 2015 - External Web Tools

I ran into an issue with an npm package mis-behaving in Visual Studio 2015 but working just fine from the command line. After scratching my head for awhile trying to figure out what was going on, I discovered that Visual Studio was pointing to its own version of npm and node and not that ones that were available in my path that the command line was using. Visual Studio 2015 ships with:

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